George II ((Tradescantia albiflora aka 'Bubble Gum') was found laying on the floor this afternoon, after having completely wilted :( Yes, they do tend to 'grow legs' and walk away when starved of sunlight/food/water, but it took me just how far he moved away (1 1/2 feet!)
@LiLAN6ELFUCK tradescantia albiflora
@AnnaMcDuff That's a good question. Is "Zebrina" formal or informal? I have little experience with the names of subs and formal/informal plant nomenclature. The vendor referred to it as "Tradescantia 'Nanouk'" which a quick google suggests it's Tradescantia albiflora(?) if that helps.
une tradescantia albiflora rayée de rose #tradescantia
tradescantia albiflora :
Det er en liten sjanse for at jeg bestilte hjem en Tradescantia albiflora nanouk