@zucchinibeemama @cgwilson25 @amkrohn @NashTurley Moar beez: Xylocopa virginica ssp. virginica (Eastern subspecies) on Tradescantia virginiana along my driveway. Note orange pollen pants. https://t.co/HasQLh0tCS
PERENNIAL: Tradescantia virginiana (Spiderwort) https://t.co/pFFtOq4k1F
First color on the Virginia spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) and beebalm (Monarda bradburiana). Every day is a thrill outdoors. Hopefully one day I can find my way back into public gardens. https://t.co/nxYiqleP1K
@OwlFarty1 @thatmakesmeaggy Tradescantia virginiana to give it its full name babe
@futurechaosl >どうやら違う そう思われた理由は何でしょうか? 私には、記事に書かれているとおり、ムラサキツユクサ属(Tradescantia)に見えます その上で T. ohiensis(ムラサキツユクサ) T. virginiana(オオムラサキツユクサ) T. pallida 'Purpurea(ムラサキゴテン) とは葉が全く異なるなと思いました →
Plant #44 Virginia Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) Another native that is often cultivated. An absolute bumblebee magnet whose flowers open in the cool of the morning and evening. https://t.co/OrKSkeAEml
Tradescantia virginiana on edible wild food btw https://t.co/fIgKNx7oul
About to dry some spiderwort from the yard, tradescantia virginiana is one of my absolute favorite weeds https://t.co/Fg8XmbmZCp