New artwork for sale! - "Tradescantia Zebrina Abstract" - @fineartamerica
Really proud of this #Tradescantia #Zebrina I grew from just one cutting. She’s going kind of crazy! #crazyplantlady #planttwitter #plantsaremypeace
#10 named Seth Rogan. Tradescantia zebrina. Name is Started its life in a terrarium and is thriving with little effort. Untamable.
Helichrysum ruby cluster; Chinese money plant ‘Pilea peperomioides’; my beautiful, happy, Tradescantia zebrina from the very lovely @EmilyKakoullis; and fellow ‘zebra’ plant - Haworthia fasciata another succulent. In other indoor garden news my freesia has freesiad!
@gelificenta It may be a Tradescantia zebrina also known as wandering Jew. It got a name change to wandering dude! Fun facts
@BlancLaurier Tradescantia zebrina ..elle est tellement belle
Tradescantia Zebrina
@aquatixwitch @MosaicoDaemonic Preferred term is Tradescantia zebrina. Scientific name.
my pink princess came lookin uh haggard and weary from the journey lol. the albo syngonium was poppin tho. AND i found what i think is a tradescantia zebrina (purple wandering jew) literally in front the door of my building. #godsplan
@greygooseonice In realtà non ti ho ancora perdonato l'aver maltrattato la Tradescantia zebrina A proposito come sta?
I finally found a tradescantia zebrina at my grocery store \o/
@UnaVerdandi So there is an effort to change the name to wandering dude lol. It’s scientific name is Tradescantia zebrina. I’m going with zebrina
Tradescantia zebrina. (Zebra-Ampelkraut) Vor 5 Monaten hat sie Suizid begangen nachts. Habe ein paar cuttings retten können.
@gofetchgretch The silver streaks gleam in the sun. It is the most glorious plant. Tradescantia zebrina . Inchplant.
@trophalIaxis I want aloe too! And tradescantia zebrina
@summerstoli Snake plant Spider plant & Tradescantia zebrina
@annehelen Yes! Lots of spider plants, African violets, “rosary beads” (I don’t know what they’re really called), jade, and Tradescantia zebrina.
Hey all! That plant name you don’t want to say: that’s probably a tradescantia! Likely a tradescantia zebrina. It’s a gorgeous genus and truly, the common name is even more horrifyingly anti-Semitic than you might realize. The name does not come from the Old Testament
Heres some that are already dead & sent to plant heaven: Tradescantia zebrina (twice), dwarf snake plant (bottom watering killed it), string of pillows (membotak and gone) and other outdoor plants.
@annehelen Philodendron, spider, aloe, tradescantia zebrina