One of the Tylecodon singularis plants that I grew from seed last year. This is the first time they've gone dormant for summer so I was pleased to see they've all woken up again. #tylecodon #succulents #caudiciforms #HouseplantHour
This is my biggest Tylecodon singularis plant. I think this leaf will get massive this winter. #TylecodonTuesday #tylecodon #succulents #caudiciforms #HouseplantHour
@microbeEcology I have the Tylecodon singularis in the house. The seeds are sometimes on the BCSS list, or even the mesemb study group list.
@PMGilmartin I like Tylecodon. They're mostly easy to grow and they can usually be grown from cuttings, so you can find them for sale more easily/cheaply than many caudiciform succulents. Tylecodon singularis is apparently a little more tricky.
Tylecodon singularis with its one massive leaf. We grew this from seed at the start of the year. I wasn't expecting it to grow so fast. #tylecodon #succulents #SucculentSunday #caudiciforms
Tylecodon singularis seeing as it's #TylecodonTuesday. I grew 3 from seed earlier this year and keep posting a picture of the biggest one, so here is the 2nd biggest as an exciting change. #tylecodon #caudiciforms #HouseplantHour #succulents
2018*11*06 ズワイガニ解禁食べたいなぁ〜 . 蟹とは全然関係ないけど 1.2枚目…#シングラリス もけもけ葉っぱが可愛いねん❤︎ 葉裏も綺麗よ❤︎ 光に当たったら毛がキラキラ✨なんやけど 写真撮りにくい 3.4枚目…名前が分からん巨大なコノ #黄花小槌 かなぁ… お花咲いたけど夕方閉じてたから 測ってみたら3センチあったww 5枚目…お母ちゃんがいつも蒔いた#バジル 札の文字がヂになってるよーって 朝からわろた〜( ˙灬˙ )ww #多肉植物 #succulents #チレコドン #コノフィツム #多肉のある暮らし #k29会 #多肉変態 no.206 #チレコドン_zono #シングラリス_zono #コノフィツム_zono