ファッショナブルなユッカで庭いじり中に耳を負傷 https://t.co/ARdgvH9fHC 庭ゴミに混じって捨てられ野山にはびこるケースも 日本語で糸蘭とも呼ばれるユッカは薬効も言われており、オーストラリアでも庭木として人気がある。ところが庭いじりの際にユッ ...
Yucca filamentosa ‘Bright Edge’ https://t.co/aI52fURVsR
NEEDLE & THREAD: US #native #Yucca filamentosa, #Asparagaceae, not only a great leaf & debris catcher, but a fantastic snowcatcher as well! https://t.co/kuvn8T8QHr
@AdamRMG @Eva3034385615 @davidludwigmd The leaves of Yucca filamentosa are woven into sandals by many indigenous peoples & some modern crafters. This is a different plant from yuca (cassava), which is Manihot esculenta. Cassava root is indeed a major starchy staple for millions of people. I love it!
@JoannaBergerMSc @mattkeevil No, Yucca filamentosa is native to Virginia!
Here is one of my 3 yucca filamentosa they're all variegated #nature #pets #climate #outdoors #gardening #wildlife https://t.co/EwulYcBseV
Yucca filamentosa reaching ever higher, bloom should start within a week https://t.co/uorLFPCZn2
Yucca Filamentosa ist Palmlilie! https://t.co/kXJoKnXTAd
@Piratenmaps @brightsblog @Zombiekinghouse @7VAMPIR @bootboss @eineMorgensonne @ttrueten @Der_Dutschi @postkneejerk Das ist eine Yucca filamentosa! Agaven sind viel fleischiger…
Yucca (filamentosa?) about to put on quite a show in the front yard https://t.co/lztMrU5XX1
RARE YUCCA FILAMENTOSA @ Adam's needle agave garden aloe flowering seed 15 SEEDS ift.tt/2tncchS
Yucca filamentosa, I *think.* (They're here in Memphis with bells on too.)
5時15分ごろ。やっはり花はいいな。割ときれいな色が出てくる。 写真は1枚目から順に、 #タチアオイ、#ビワの実、#イトラン(#ユッカ の仲間) pic.twitter.com/mRf6Qcpvoe
New species record for my garden: Carpophilus melanopterus, Yucca beetle, on Yucca filamentosa, in full bloom https://t.co/TOg1XwWlSh
The alabaster voluptuosness of Yucca filamentosa flowers https://t.co/FCLq278swF
Peak bloom on Yucca filamentosa https://t.co/9CWufTt2uC
NYC-native Yucca filamentosa, Adam's needle, in full, voluptuous bloom in the front yard https://t.co/J1kzNcorfn
dont think Yucca filamentosa is a good choice for a family with young children #loveyourgarden deadly spikes
요즘 도로 중앙 화단에 구청에서 심어놓은 실유카 / Yucca filamentosa 가 한참 올라오고 있다. 사실 운전하면서 본 거라 유카인지 실유카인지 알 수 없지만.. 사진은 위키에서.. https://t.co/QTdh8LePP1
Vrtna juka (Yucca filamentosa): I ja imam u vrtu dvije juke. Naslijedili smo ih sa kućicom… https://t.co/R5hz07NzI0