Aloe indica季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -5℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Today came to know that Aloe vera the plant that we all call Aloe vera isn't Aloe vera in most cases, it may be Aloe indica or Aloe barbadensis because Aloe vera isn't common in Pakistani region
hello gonna name all the moots i remember bc i’m bored: nora, haiden, mark, ilyanna, xeno, rerun, candice, elle, bell, fei, aloe, hayleigh, lei, leia, leila, xio, lulu, lili, tina, vance, talka, dawn, rosie, falora, aslyn, hewr, sam, indica, mars ;;
@ohshitisthatme @ZenWillows @PuFFnNStuFFn @BFO5O6 @Indig_Indica @whosurdaddienow @BougieGypsy @LizzieLoudd @naturalreviews4 @fuksobriety @snoopdemidogg Aw I’m sorry man. The sun will drain the life right out of you. Cold shower. Lots of herb. Aloe.
Top Things to Encourage Growth *no alcohol or pork is a dirty worm filled meat only to be eaten when starving & no other choices* Olive Oil, Vinegar, Honey, Black Seed Oil, Watermelon, Yucca Roots, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Sativa & Indica THC, Miswak, Aloe, Sesame oil...