Aloe polyphylla季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -20℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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polyphylla アロエ ポリュフュルラ #polyphylla #ポリュフュルラ #アロエ #多肉植物 #螺旋 まだ螺旋してないけど #aloe https://t.co/J15xotzW4X
@UK_Boothby Well Aloe striatula is absolutely hardy, and Aloe polyphylla is meant to be too, though I suspect it would struggle with winter rain. Opuntias are good though, yes ☺️
@acherontiadex I usually do well with transplanting Aloe polyphylla to compost, but not as well with other species. I've done 2 dichotoma so far but one has rotted.
@acherontiadex I've germinated the Aloe polyphylla in water again so I should probably plonk the seedling in some compost tomorrow