Dioscorea mexicana季節タイプ | 冬型 |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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@Sitlalxochitl9 OMG i did some research and Dioscorea mexicana is selling for like hundreds of dollars as house plants. [the yam kinda looks like a pine cone crossed with a turtle shell. idk its weird and i want to touch it]
@cleasto It’s a fancy yam! This one is Dioscorea elephantipes from South Africa; the more local one is Dioscorea mexicana
La cocolmeca o Dioscorea mexicana es una especie de ñame perteneciente a la familia Dioscoreaceae. Es una especie de planta que simula ser piedra... exótica bonita y diferente.... @alexfedezcam @IvttStrada @SeguraNadya @TinocoGRogelio
Mexican yam or Cabeza de negro is a species of yam in the genus Dioscorea. Dioscorea Mexicana is a caudiciform dioscorea having either a partly to completely above-ground dome-shape caudex w/thick, woody outer layer up to 3ft in diameter and 8–10" height