Plants that don't need much water (2) Euphorbia cyparissias or Zypressen-Molfsmilch in German. It prefers to grow on chalk, poor grassland, sheep pastures, dry slopes and rocks. All parts of the plant are highly toxic due to the milky sap. Photo: Anke Hüber, Public Domain
@molcar_mcs Cypress spurge ‐ Euphorbia cyparissias.
Quelques exemples : - Euphorbia lathyris - Euphorbia amygdaloides - Euphorbia cyparissias Elles sont caractérisées par une inflorescence très particulière, le cyathium. 4/33
@LeifBersweden Pseudoflowers of #Euphorbia cyparissias caused by pathogenic fungus #Uromyces pisi is definitely the most interesting one for me. But pollinators are always beautiful and it is a pleasure to meet them.
Cipreswolfsmelk (#Euphorbia cyparissias) in de zuidduinen van Katwijk. Vrij zeldzaam in Nederland.
@skipperkine i'm not 100% sure but i was looking and maybe cypress spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias) or gopher spurge (Euphorbia rigida)?
2019.4.5 * 思わぬ所まで種が飛んで 花を付けるユーフォルビア・ミルシナイツ シルバーリーフとこのフォルムに魅せられます * 3枚目は、姪っ子の庭からやって来た ユーフォルビア・キパリッシアス * #ユーフォルビアミルシナイツ#ユーフォルビアキパリッシアス#マツバトウダイ#ユーフォルビア#トウダイグサ#灯台草#スパージ#春の庭#私の庭#庭#ガーデン#ナチュラルガーデン#ガーデニング#ボタニカルライフ#ノンフィルター#euphorbiamyrsinites#euphorbiacyparissias#euphorbia#botanical#nature#flower#leaf#mygarden#garden#gardening#nofilter