Tiny flowers of Euphorbia maculata under 10x #WildflowerHourNYC https://t.co/ICi2enAyUo
omg yay i finally figured out their name. these lil guys r euphorbia maculata / spotted spurge / prostrate spurge (no, not prostate) the cutest weeds imo.... euphorbia stay being cool / cute https://t.co/89OnTaZMCJ
Euphorbia maculata at Whatstandwell Bridge tonight whilst recording the monad, an alien from North America. A first record for Derbyshire ( and me ). Apparently a pernicious weed of lawns in the States. @BSBIbotany @wildflower_hour @BrianLaney2 https://t.co/WZrRLuaSPF
@LaBotaniste Oxalis corniculata, ojeoje, hör mir auf Euphorbia maculata gehört auch in diese Kategorie der kleinen fiesen "Unkräutern". https://t.co/iVbFsKVo5S
@JohnQuiggin Can I whinge about spotted spurge (Euphorbia maculata) and the slack plant nurseries and landscapers who introduce it into landscaped gardens via pots? Evil stuff but it thrives with meters of rain, clay soil and inadequate mulch. Let's see it handle the next drought. Mu-hahaha.
Euphorbia maculata is just so cute. I know I should pull this weed but I have a soft spot for these littluns. It won't last long, it gonna die eventually. #gardenbmore https://t.co/BzcywpSYoP
Uromyces euphorbiae (I think) on sptted spurge (Euphorbia maculata) in my yard. Wish the rust was more prolific so I didn't have to spend so much time pulling this obnoxious plant out of my garden and yard... @ Salt… https://t.co/ayKuiObKiA
コニシキソウ Euphorbia maculata 2019. 8. 4 山梨県大月市 花はふつう斑点があり、茎や果実に毛が密に生える。ニシキソウよりも見かける機会は圧倒的に多い路傍雑草。 https://t.co/dZYMkCzGL9
Shot of the day: A multitude of tiny Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) seedlings and a dead Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia maculata) in Silver Moss (Bryum argenteum) in a crack in one of the medians of Columbus blvd. #concretebotany #LifeInTheCracks #SpottedKnapweed https://t.co/WL10ceE3zp