@ikamalhaasan The plant species are Cereus repandus and Cereus pterogonus. Euphorbia tortilis and Euphorbia antiquorum can also be used as live fences. Nice suggestion, Sir.
Do you like crazy cacti? I've got one here for you. This #euphorbia Tortilis Variegated is so unique. Each one is very different from the other. They twist and bend and form such cool shapes. And those markings! How… https://t.co/LYXlQl4HU4
私が今日すごく欲しかった植物の名前を忘れてしまい悶々としていたら(ていうか写真撮ればよかった)、某フリマアプリでサボテン漁ってたら出ていた!すごい!嬉しい!ユーフォルビア トルティリスですよろしく!FFにいそうな形でラノベに出てきそうな名前の子w
Euphorbia Tortilis. Finally went to the Cactus Store in Echo Park to use my gift certificate. Got a super cool cactus I've never seen before! It grows in a twist. #cactus @ Los Angeles,… instagram.com/p/Bnul8FDnw6Y/…
plantcetera – Name: Euphorbia tortilis. Beautiful! : @thevictorianatlanta… instatopin.com/plantcetera-na… pic.twitter.com/OKwAGIYFi2
Euphorbia tortilis Rottler ex Ainslie (Euphorbiaceae) கள்ளி செடி, வரண்ட நில தாவரம், மருத்துவ குணம் கொண்டது #kaatuvaasiclickz at coimbatore https://t.co/Rzd4JKp68z