Gymnocalycium vatteri季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Interesting difference in these two flowers. Two different Gymnocalycium vatteri; Left is a recent bloom Right is a few days https://t.co/ZrFvowxBbU
This #gymnocalyciumvatteri has been flowering for a few days now. Glad one of us is enjoying this 100 degree heat ♂️ ______________________________________________________ #cactus #cactuslover #cactusaddict #photography #lobiviawrightiana #instacactus #astrophytum #flower #haworthia #cactusmagazine #losangeles #conophytum #tephrocactusgeometricus #ferocactusglaucescensinermis #copiapoahypogaea #haworthiatruncata #punaclavarioides #copiapoacinerea #spring #epithelanthamicromeris #strombocactusdisciformis #tuesday #tuesdaymotivation
One of my latest scores is this awesomely fucked up #gymnocalyciumvatteri Happy Sunday y’all _____________________________________________________ #cactus #cactuslover #cactusaddict #photography #lobiviawrightiana #instacactus #astrophytum #flower #haworthia #cactusmagazine #losangeles #conophytum #tephrocactusgeometricus #ferocactusglaucescensinermis #copiapoahypogaea #haworthiatruncata #punaclavarioides #copiapoacinerea #spring #epithelanthamicromeris #strombocactusdisciformis #discocactushorstii #geohintoniamexicanacristata #sunday #sundayfunday
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