@acherontiadex you're a fan of Haworthia I believe? I've got a few pots of cuttings that need thinning out if you want some sending with the mesembs etc. I think I've got 2 venosa ssp tessellata clones and a turgida v. pallidifolia.
#succulentriver #aloevera #aloenobilis #aloearistata #aloearborescens #crassulatetragona #senseveriacylindrica #bergeranthusvespertinus #haworthiamutica #haworthiavenosatessellata #seneciorowleyanus #crassulacorymbulosa #euphorbiasuzannae #ledebouriasocialis #crassulaexpansasspfragilis #aeonium #livingart #plant #plants #plantart #vase #succulent #succulents #succulentart #succulentsofinstagram #succulentgarden #succulentarrangement #succulentsarrangement #succulentarrangements #succulentsarrangements
テア&毛玉 どうかしてるぜ‼︎ 一度言ってみたかったんです… どうかしてしまった、 ハオルチアのベノーサ 竜鱗系も欲しかったけど、 室内の一番いいところに置いててもこれじゃ、買うだけ無駄そうだから諦める事にしよう… #サビ猫 #ノルウェージャンフォレストキャット #同化 https://t.co/LlAdvxhD8b
My #haworthia #venosa looked dull lately... I feared I might overwatered it, so left it aside for almost a week... Today, I noticed there were so many new baby #plantlets all around… https://t.co/eO5C9PDQHR
Haworthia venosa subsp. tessellata – Veined Haworthia https://t.co/PSM32muN6E
Haworthia venosa subsp. tessellata – Veined Haworthia https://t.co/PSM32muN6E
Haworthia Venosa Tessellata Cactus Cacti Succulent (1274) http://united-kingdom-guide.info/ge/dk/?query=http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337597384&item=142098635319&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
In the pot. Left to right, Haworthia venosa, Gasteria hybrid, Haworthia hybrid. Awesome flower… https://t.co/IzEkrofGcd
Haworthia venosa ssp. tessellata - https://t.co/egSodczqsn #gardening #garden #gardens https://t.co/9GEH66Ib7c