Lithops pseudotruncatella mundtii is flowering. My other plant of this species flowered 2 months ago so I'm not going to be able to pollinate them this year. #lithops #mesembs #succulents
pseudotruncatella ssp.mundtii
Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp.mundtiiTwitterやInstagramでの投稿を集めました。育て方や手に入れ方だけでなく、かわいがり方まで……。同じコが好きな人をみつけてフォローしよう!
1~1ポスト / 全1ポスト pseudotruncatella ssp.mundtiiのすべてのポスト
Lithops pseudotruncatella mundtii is flowering. My other plant of this species flowered 2 months ago so I'm not going to be able to pollinate them this year. #lithops #mesembs #succulents