Mammillaria grahamii季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | 5℃ |
開花時期 | 春夏秋冬 |
レッドリスト 低危険種
ワシントン条約 低リスク 輸出入制限
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Mammillaria grahamii, commonly known as the Arizona fish-hook cactus. This plant is native to the Southwestern region of the United States. It is easy to propagate and similar to other small desert plants, it does not tolerate full sun. #plant200call #drfoxcall #plant200week1
My freebie pincushion/mammillaria grahamii cactus from @pimaarizona/the Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society bloomed!
Walked the wilderness to visit my favorite local (& SeeKrEt) crested Mammillaria grahamii this morning. Looking great.
I think my grandpa thought the mammillaria grahamii cactus he sent me was a baby barrel cactus.