Sweet Peas, Sambucus, Sunflower and SnapDragon, Salvia, Sedum Spectabile and Stachys Byzantine for #AlphabettyBlooms. https://t.co/IkQwVIVod9
Spot the butterfly! #tortoiseshell #sedum #spectabile https://t.co/lsnza8l0CK
36. Heartleaf Iceplant (Aptenia cordifolia) 37. House Leek (Sempervivum; Hens and chicks) 38. Ice Plant (Sedum spectabile; Hylotelephium spectabile) 39. Mother of Pearl plant 40. Opuntia Cactus (Prickly Pear, Nopales) 41. Sedum Spurium( Dragon’s Blood Sedum, etc
@PauletteSteeves Looks like Sedum spectabile aka stonecrop. Great rocky terrain succulent - lasts until fall!
@LordOrk @tutty352 @LakesStiles @Soapy_Wit_Tank @tismenic70 @Yeti98_ @ceadela @ProjectWHYUK @WindowsLake @laxidaisy @LansdellMum My sedum spectabile is just coming into flower so hoping for the same. Autumn nectar fest!
薔薇の #足元くらぶ ブロッコリーかカリフラワーのような #オオベンケイソウ 少し蕾が開いてきました✨グリーンとピンクのところがなんとも美しい^ - ^✨ #カラスミセバヤ もちょっとずつ咲き始めています。 薔薇はお休み中だから グリーンばかりですが、 実ものやセダムに癒されてます #bouquetdefelicia #mygarden #mygardenlife #garden #gardening #gardenlovers #gardenstagram #instagarden #ガーデン #ガーデニング #シャビーガーデン #diy花壇
Дебела кока или рањеник (лат. Hylotelephium spectabile, раније лат. Sedum spectabile) је врста скривеносеменице из породице жедњака (Crassulaceae). Изузетно лековита биљка и имам је у мом дворишту. Lucky me https://t.co/bD81igu38O
Hylotelephium 'Herbstfreude' aka Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' still remains a favourite for it's reliability and pest resistance. Salmon pink flower heads provide a great nectar source for #bees and #butterflies. Good winter structure and all round good choice for dry sites. https://t.co/3eg1W9vlRH
@lesrotondes Meconfundikao Es éste que tengo yo en este centro en burdeos, una variedad de sedum ("sedum spectabile") https://t.co/YE6MUnARF5
OFFER: Japanese Anemone/Sedum Spectabile Spearmint plants (Denton M34) https://t.co/D9ytKoGZum https://t.co/joec7Keq9e
#SilentSunday - #Bumblebees and #Honeybees loving late summer Sedum spectabile https://t.co/KlpQcxGcjr https://t.co/JceWiblyFM
@wychwoodjon In at... #1 Phacelia tanacetifolia (seed) #2 Calendula officinalis (seed) #3 Verbena bonariensis (seed/plant) #4 Centranthus ruber (seed) #5 Sedum spectabile (plant) Look up @higgledygarden for seeds and @bunkersgarden for plants.
Tarhaisomaksaruoho (Sedum spectabile x telephium) - Kuva: n17_w1150 (CC BY BioDivLibrary) https://t.co/iQiyGNL6mD https://t.co/A8zcnyNxIE
Pink and pretty Sedum spectabile http://flic.kr/p/8FSNjh
Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant': Succulent, grey-green leaves, topped with large, flat heads of bright pinkish-mauve ... http://bit.ly/a1dRuH
Bee on my Sedum Spectabile Autumn Joy today. When I was a child there were many, many more bees than I see today. Such a shame #beesustain pic.twitter.com/9MbOH296zu
Nice to see pollinators enjoying the Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy.' These water-wise plants crave full sun. https://t.co/9SpQFl3Oc9
Bee on my Sedum Spectabile Autumn Joy today. When I was a child there were many, many more bees than I see today. Such a shame #beesustain pic.twitter.com/i47tWP5oyi
Sedum Spectabile in the garden, great late season flowers for pollinators @ShootGardening @GWmag @GWandShows @NatureUK @Britnatureguide @HMWTBadger #hoverfly https://t.co/dQDelL8Bio
The tiny pink flowers of Sedum spectabile; known collectively as stonecrops, Sedum is widely distributed with nearly 600 species worldwide. https://t.co/4XoDyt9ytu