直射の西日でも元気な方々…気温36℃☀️ Tillandsia funckiana Tillandsia bergeri Tillandsia ixioides 今のところ焦げつきはない感じ。funckianaが少し紅葉してきた? #Tillandsia https://t.co/Zqjcaq1cNt
お迎えして結構経つけど、今ひとつな感じだったixioides×bergeriとbandensis 最近少し調子が良いみたい。葉数が増えた♪ でも発根はしてない… もっと水遣りしてみる? ionanthaはわりと直ぐに発根したのになぁ… #Tillandsia https://t.co/7HmSq43kj2
Tillandsia ixioides still going strong. #houseplants #tillandsia #airplants @ Herne Bay, Kent https://t.co/mNKyK7Kexd
Tillandsia ixioides still going strong. #houseplants #tillandsia #airplants https://t.co/ukkFcAwSO5 https://t.co/l4B4HMCWFZ
Tillandsia ixioides coming into flower, should be yellow when it gets there, an unusual colour for #airplants https://t.co/9N6m389TL1 https://t.co/NZWMvsidzN
Tillandsia ixioides 左のはドワーフフォームね https://t.co/dqokKqoUJN
Tillandsia ixioides https://t.co/QCFb7Fu7KL
チラさん水やり。T.ixioidesの花芽がだいぶ伸びてきました。開花には、まだ時間がかかりそうなのかしらね #Tillandsia #ティランジア https://t.co/VYXeXZ7iIq
お迎えしました Tillandsia crocata"Copper Penny" Tillandsia ionantha"Peach"-White Flower Form Tillandsia ixioides"Fragrant Dwarf" Tillandsia ionantha"Albino" 香りの有る花が咲くチラさんとイオナンタ達 #Tillandsia https://t.co/gcFuBEIU8P
Loving the scent coming from my 2 yellow flowering tillandsia, T. crocata and ixioides. #tillandsia #floweringtillandsia #tillandsiaspecies #yellowflowers #scentedflowers #scentedtillandsia #airplants #misfitplants #TropicalPlants #greenhouseplants https://t.co/MRtDVTk0K2
Tillandsia ixioides x aeranthos https://t.co/EQL4keUWaC
Tillandsia ixioides, a lovely silver airplant. Likes similar conditions to cacti, elegant w. yellow flowers. Very difficult to sell because the leaves are incredibly brittle- the two broken ones happened last time I took it to a ahow. So it gets to stay … https://t.co/XPpJAzAzeV https://t.co/xDA2N1kSm4
ティランジア "ホワイト・スター" Tillandsia 'White Star' (ixioides x recurvifolia)… https://t.co/mwAEUAF656
Tillandsia ixioides X reichenbachii, very rare, similar to ixioides x duratii https://t.co/HibRtQ4uHj
Tillandsia ixioides x duratii clumps チランジア イキシオイデス × ドゥラティー クランプ https://t.co/A9xUXIGXLm
Tillandsia Mystic Burgundy(muhriae x albertiana), Flame(ixioides), Haze(zecherii), Trumpet(xiphioides), Air(aeranthos), Rainbow(arequitae) https://t.co/3qjxTAxGYB
#airplant #tillandsia #ixioides #botany #plants #plantlove http://t.co/keSWx9ZyrM http://t.co/RzeiINCzDS
More of Tillandsia ixioides: pendent canary yellow blooms, very stiff, silver leaves. http://t.co/AC8orWdP66
Tillandsia ixioides http://t.co/G6VyTa5SpZ
Suivi de la croissance d’un Tillandsia ixioides, suite: Depuis août 2009, nous faisons le suivi de la croissance d... http://bit.ly/964s3F