Onto the broms w/ the rare Catopsis nutans the Nodding Strap Airplant w/ fruiting adult and seedlings & Guzmania monostachia the West Indian Tufted Airplant w/ a large adult stand and seedling. Also seen was Tillandsia utriculata, T. fasciculata, & T. balbisiana. #bromeliads https://t.co/LGcM1us0Ls
More rescue #tillandsia. The larger one has been there a while and hasn’t flowered yet, so I’m hoping it is #tillandsiautriculata. I picked it up in a parking lot where quite a few of them do grow, but a lot of the ever common #tillandsiafasciculata also grow there. ♀️ Then to the left is, I think, another #tillandsiabalbisiana, but this one is growing in more shade. It was in pretty bad shape when I picked it up but it still attached to the tree, and of course popped a pup. The little #tillandsiaflexuosa is my latest rescue and is just beginning to put out new roots to attach to the tree #airplant #bromeliad #epiphyte #crazyplantlady #plantmom #plantsmakemehappy
"Tillandsia utriculata ssp. pringlei" by flower fern. https://t.co/BOcAWVCe3a
Tillandsia utriculata ssp. pringlei(チランジア ウトリクラータ プリングレイ) 小さいけど沢山の子株がついててかわいい https://t.co/gT1SiNibX6
Elizabeth White- is now in a relationship with- Getting Money- and- Tillandsia utriculata
Tillandsia utriculata https://t.co/UzgYdvjYj0
tillandsia utriculata?? on MY hike??? it's more likely than u think https://t.co/K68KySKY38
big ol tillandsia utriculata on campus sprouted an inflorescence ( + see on the branch in the second pic are a bunch of baby ones!!! ) https://t.co/FKBi6pRB0G
Tillandsia 20 different collection, for example included capillaris, crocata, crocata brandywine, kimberly, recurvata, utriculata var. prengelii, ionantha maxima, ionantha druid, x floridiana and more. https://t.co/3Td3qpZofH
#Tillandsia utriculata seed pod exploding in the #Florida #Everglades! http://t.co/q4gNl3HZE4
#Tillandsia utriculata #airplant in #Florida #Everglades morning mist http://t.co/IC1w18QVYy
The Giant Airplant, Tillandsia utriculata, is native to Florida and endangered by the invasive mexican bromeliad weevil.