Aloe albiflora季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -5℃ |
開花時期 | - |
レッドリスト 絶滅寸前
ワシントン条約 絶滅危惧 輸出入禁止
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My Aloe albiflora has started flowering. Just one flower open so far though. #aloe #succulents #houseplants #HouseplantHour https://t.co/xcseruGW9g
@acherontiadex here's the first Aloe albiflora flower. The 2nd flower is opening now so maybe I will get a new flower open every night at midnight. https://t.co/GsDABKZPF0
Aloe albiflora, now with more than one flower open. A new flower opens each night at about midnight. #aloe #succulents #houseplants #SucculentSunday https://t.co/vRcSdaaSj0
@philomene251 I found out about it last year when I bought a hybrid of it called 'Pink Lace'. I was excited to find an Aloe albiflora plant for sale this summer.